Rui Kimura



Date of birth: April 21, 1997 24 years old
Height:177cm Weight:82kg B/T: R/R

Career history: Entered the company in 2020,
and currently he is in his second year.
Post: Manufacturing Division II, TBFC
Birthplace: Hokkaido
Alma mate: Asahikawa University High School
Kokugakuin University
Blood type: Type AB
Hobby/Specialty: Fishing, golf, driving
Motto: I can do it someday, so I can do it today.

In 2020, Rui showed his true batting ability in rubber baseball (a Japanese style of baseball), which led him to win “Best Home Run Hitter.”
He was truly born with rubber baseball in his DNA.
He is a dual-role player, one as a pitcher and one as an outfielder, driving his team to the win.

Rui Kimura Rui Kimura